What if piano came with a guarantee–that if you took lessons and tried your best, you would learn to play Rachmaninoff?

What if piano lessons were less about excuses and lack of practice, and more about the kind of challenge that develops grit and character?

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“Some of my fondest memories from childhood through adolescence are of the time that I spent learning to play the piano as a part of Miss Tanabe’s Suzuki Piano Studio.”

Christopher Smith, Valencia Suzuki Alumni

“The principles and lessons I learned as a Suzuki Method piano student have stayed with me and benefited me throughout my education.”

Erin Keyes, Valencia Suzuki Alumni


Achieve the Impossible

Achieve the Impossible

Your child will learn to achieve the impossible through patient, deliberate practice. Talent isn’t a prerequisite: it’s a result.

What is Suzuki Method?

We Are a Team

We Are a Team

You will be your child’s partner: working with and supporting them through their musical journey. We are all working together!

Teaming With Parents

Empowering Environment

Empowering Environment

“Your child will become more than merely a fine musician, they will become a fine person”
– Dr. Shinichi Suzuki